Security culture
What does security culture mean at VIE?
Every attack on Vienna International Airport can have serious effects. The goal of an active security culture is to help people understand different forms of threats, and recognise and avoid them with the help of effective measures – for example through the ability to provide information about dangers in good time, before they are imminent or occurring.
The safety and security of employees, cooperation partners, and customers is the top priority. Passengers, their baggage, cargo, and mail should arrive at the destination of their choosing without damage, and all employees at Vienna International Airport wish to perform their duties without being harmed. Vienna International Airport has long been a large and complex organisation. Because this brings a degree of anonymity that is very difficult to avoid, it is not always easy to tell if everyone is “pulling together”, pursuing a common goal.
Threat constellations are changing constantly. Security culture is subject to an ongoing learning process that reflects the common goals and interests of the organisation. The concept includes values and norms as well as convictions and attitudes that are integrated into the day-to-day operations of an organisation and that are reflected in actions and behaviour at all levels and of all employees within the organisation.
The best security systems and procedures help little when they can be circumvented by employees, for example.
Thus, security culture should be actively exercised by employees at all hierarchical levels, with these employees working in accordance with the regulations and policies while maintaining a high state of vigilance. Thanks to this awareness, the organisation can be protected in its entirety, including its cooperation partners and customers.