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Your Vienna Airport Team

Company profile – Flughafen Wien AG

  • Vienna Airport, Europe’s 16th largest airport with 29.5 million PAX in 2019 (31.7 million PAX in 2019), is run by Flughafen Wien AG
  • Lufthansa hub, home carrier Austrian Airlines (approx. 47% market share)
  • Strong growth of low-cost carriers in recent years (approx. 30% market share)
  • Focus on intra-European routes, important transfer hub to Central/Eastern European destinations (Austrian Airlines serves several SEE destinations exclusively), attractive long-haul routes
  • Large catchment area (Eastern Austria as well as Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary)
  • Non-aviation growth thanks to the terminal expansion and development of the “AirportCity“

PAX Vienna Airport
2019: 31.7 mn
2024: 31.7 mn
2025e: approx. 32 mn

PAX Group
(incl. Malta Airport, Kosice)
2019: 39.5 mn
2024: 41.4 mn
2025: approx. 42 mn

2019: € 858 mn
2024e: >€ 1.0 bn
2025e: approx. € 1,080 mn

2019: € 385 mn
2024e: >€ 400 mn
2025e: approx. € 440 mn

Mcap: € 4.5 bn
ISIN: AT00000VIE62
Bloomberg: FLU AV
Reuters: VIEV.VI
Prim. listing: Vienna Stock Exchange

The Flughafen Wien Group

Business model

The Flughafen Wien Group (FWAG Group) comprises the three international airports in Vienna, Malta and Košice (Slovakia, recorded at equity) as well as the Bad Vöslau airfield in Austria. The three international airports of Vienna, Malta and Košice recorded a total of 41.4 million passengers in 2024 (2023: 38.0 million passengers). In the last year 31.7 passengers passed through Vienna Airport (2023: 29.5 million). Measured by passenger numbers, Vienna thus occupied 17th place among European airports.

The focus of the connections served from Vienna is routes within Europe (approximately 85% of the total number of passengers). Vienna Airport functions here as an important hub for destinations in Central and Eastern Europe. Attractive long-haul connections round off the profile. Vienna Airport benefits in particular from its large catchment area, which, in addition to Austria, also includes part of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Alongside Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Düsseldorf and Zurich, Vienna Airport is one of six Lufthansa hubs. The home carrier, Austrian Airlines, last year achieved a market share of approximately 46%, that of the Lufthansa Group as a whole is slightly above 50%. Various low-cost carriers have generated significant growth in the last few years, increasing their share most recently to almost 30% of total passenger numbers. Vienna Airport is one of the largest employers in Eastern Austria. Together with the fully consolidated subsidiaries, the FWAG Group employed an annual average of 5,074 staff (FTE, full-time equivalents) or 7,131 people (headcount).

As the general operator, Vienna Airport provides the entire range of services for the airport operations. These include the flight operations, ground handling services, security services and the commercial activities of the property management at the site.

The five segments of the Group’s operating activities


The Airport segment is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all movement areas of the terminal, all the facilities involved in passenger and baggage handling as well as the security controls for passengers and hand luggage at Vienna Airport (performance of the Handling & Security Services segment). The tasks of acquiring new airline customers and increasing the number of destinations offered are also assigned to this segment.

Handling & Security Services

Services for aircraft and passenger handling of scheduled, charter and general aviation traffic are bundled in the Handling & Security Services segment. In addition to passenger, cargo and ramp handling, these also include the provision of security services, checks of passengers and hand luggage and general aviation. The performance of the handling and security services by the Group’s own companies at Vienna Airport guarantees short turnarounds, a high level of punctuality and offers that are tailor-made for our customers.

Retail & Properties

Retail & Properties provides important services related to the airport operations and is responsible for developing and marketing the Group’s own properties. Substantial contributions to income come from centre management and hospitality, including shops, restaurants and passenger services (lounges, VIP), and from parking, advertising revenue and the rental of office and cargo space.


The Malta segment includes Malta Airport (Malta International Airport plc, MIA) and the investments it holds directly (the MIA Group), which together operate Malta Airport. Revenue is generated from aviation services, parking and the rental of retail and office space.

Other Segments

This segment comprises a wide range of services that are provided both for other operating segments of the Flughafen Wien Group and for external customers as well as for the subsidiaries that hold shares in foreign associates and joint ventures (e.g. at Košice Airport) but that do not otherwise perform any operating activities. It primarily covers tasks such as performing technical services and repairs, services in the area of energy supply and waste disposal, telecommunications and information technology, electromechanical and building services, the construction and maintenance of infrastructure as well as construction management and consulting services.

Traffic figures

Passenger development of the Group 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015  
Vienna Airport (in mill.) 31.7 29.5 23.7 10.4 7.8 31.7 27.0 24.4 23.4 22.8  
Malta Airport (in mill.) 9.0 7.8 5.9 2.5 1.7 7.3 6.8 6.0 5.1 4.6  
Košice Airport (in mill.) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4  
Vienna Airport and strat. investments (VIE, MLA, KSC) 41.4 38.0 30.1 13.1 9.7 39.5 34.4 30.9 28.9 27.8  
Traffic development Vienna Airport 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015  
Passengers (in mill.) 31.7 29.5 23.7 10.4 7.8 31.7 27.0 24.4 23.4 22.8  
   Thereof transfer passengers (in mill.) 6.8 6.6 5.8 2.5 1.5 7.2 6.7 6.4 6.2 6.3  
Aircraft movements 234,138 221,095 188,412 111,567 95,880 266,802 241,004 224,568 226,400 226,811  
MTOW (in mill. tonnes) 10.0 9.3 7.9 4.7 4.0 10.9 9.6 8.8 8.7 8.4  
Cargo (air cargo and trucking; in tonnes) 297,945 245,009 250,637 261,299 217,888 283,806 295,558 287,962 282,726 277,575  
Seat load factor 80.8 80.5 77.6 62.5 57.4 77.3 76.0 74.8 73.4 74.3  

Financial indicators

(in € million, excluding employees) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Total revenue 931.5 692.7 407,0 333.7 857.6 799.7 753.2 741.6 720.2 693.4
   Thereof Airport 440.1 321.0 169.5 133.0 411.7 381.7 368.2 370.8 359.2 344.1
   Thereof Handling & Security Services 165.7 124.9 94.4 86.1 166.3 163.3 160.7 158.4 151.3 145.7
   Thereof Retail & Properties 182.5 138.8 82.4 70.5 162.6 146.4 126.1 123.9 128.2 123.8
   Thereof Malta 120.2 88.0 47.4 32.2 100.3 92.2 82.4 73.1 67.0 64.3
   Thereof Other Segments 23.0 20.0 13.3 11.9 16.7 16.2 15.7 15.4 14.5 15.6
EBITDA 393.6 295.9 154.4 54.1 384.8 350.4 326.5 329.8 312.5 288.8
EBITDA margin 42.3% 42.7% 37.9% 16.2% 44.9% 43.8% 43.3% 44.5% 43.4% 41.7%
EBIT 261.8 167.2 20.0 -86.5 252.3 220.8 191.8 172.0 171.8 149.4
EBIT margin 28.1% 24.1% 4.9% -25.9% 29.4% 27.6% 25.5% 23.2% 23.9% 21.5%
ROCE after tax 11.5% 7.3% 0.9% -3.7% 10.4% 9.4% 8.2% 7.4% 7.2% 6.0%
Net profit 188.6 128.1 6.6 -75.7 175.7 151.9 126.9 112.6 111.8 91.9
Net profit parent company 168.4 107.9 3.7 -72.8 158.9 137.3 114.7 102.6 100.3 82.6
Cash flow from operating activities 384.8 337.6 105.8 -23.0 373.0 119.2 277.9 255.1 255.5 238.3
Capital expenditure 107.0 53.6 51.6 79.9 171.8 165.7 103.6 92.0 87.1 81.0
Equity 1,556 1,449 1,315 1,305 1,381 1,297 1,211 1,144 1,139. 1,069
Equity ratio  70.9% 65.1% 63.4% 60.1% 60.0% 60.1% 58.7% 56.7% 52.5% 49.7%
Net liquidity (previous year: net debt) 361.9 149.4 -150.4 -201.9 -81.4 198.2 227.0 355.5 487.8 541.9
Total assets 2,194 2,225 2,074 2,173 2.301 2,158 2,063 2,018 2,171 2,152
Gearing -23.3% -10.3% 11.5% 15.5% 5.9% 15.3% 18.7% 31.1% 42.8% 50.7%