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As a result of the positive development of passenger numbers, Flughafen Wien AG has raised its passenger forecast for this year.

Flughafen Wien AG now expects approx. 28.5 million passengers at Vienna Airport (previously 26-27 million) and roughly 36.5 million passengers for the Flughafen Wien Group (incl. Malta and Kosice; previously 32-34 million).
As a result, management also expects significantly higher revenue and a significant increase in EBITDA and profit for the period compared to the guidance of 19 January 2023 (guidance as of 19 January 2023: revenue around € 830 million, EBITDA at least € 325 million, net profit before minorities over € 150 million). The investment volume should be lower than in the previous forecast (around € 135 million) at around € 100 million.

The adjusted values are based on the assumption that the war in Ukraine and other geopolitical tensions will not have a significant impact on travel during the rest of the year and that there will be no new pandemic-related restrictions. 

Flughafen Wien AG will publish its half-year report 2023 and the traffic figures for the month of July on 17 August as planned.
Information published by:
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna
Contact: Capital Markets/Investor Relations Flughafen Wien AG
Bernd Maurer
Head of Capital Markets
Flughafen Wien AG
Tel.: +43 1 7007/23126
Press Office
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000

Flughafen Wien AG
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna
phone:     +43 1 7007 - 23126
FAX:         +43 1 7007 - 23806
ISIN:          AT00000VIE62