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Coronavirus travel restrictions in conjunction with a massive reduction of flights at Vienna Airport have a strong negative effect on revenue and net profit of 2020
Flughafen Wien AG profit warning:
Coronavirus travel restrictions in conjunction with a massive reduction of flights at Vienna Airport have a strong negative effect on revenue and net profit of the financial year
Previous guidance can definitely not be reached, new forecast currently not possible due to uncertainty of future development
Emergency measures to safeguard operations and to cut costs are implemented
Vienna, Austria, 12 March 2020 – As a result of the current Coronavirus crisis and the ensuing massive restrictions of air traffic the Board of Flughafen Wien AG declares the following:
In light of the massive reduction of flights at Vienna Airport by operating airlines, revenue and net profit forecasts of Flughafen Wien AG for the financial year 2020 can no longer be reached. A new forecast is currently not possible due to uncertainty of the development in the next months.
Emergency measures to safeguard operations and to cut costs are implemented. These include the preparation of reduced working hours and further measures to cut costs sustainably.
Information published by:
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna

Contact: Corporate Communications Flughafen Wien AG                 
Press Office                                                                Investor Relations
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman                        Christian Schmidt
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000                                             Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23126
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