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Vienna Airport Welcomes Positive Supreme Administrative Court Decision on the 3rd Runway
Vienna Airport welcomes the decision of in favour of the 3rd runway. "Today is an Important and positive day, not only for Austria as a business and tourism location. An overly long process has come to a positive and incontestable decision. This decision ensures the long-term growth perspectives and competitiveness, not only for Vienna Airport but for the Austrian economy, industry, tourism and labour market", say Julian Jäger und Günther Ofner, Members of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG.
The airport will now analyse the court decision in detail and provide information about the next steps in the near future.
Press Office of Flughafen Wien AG
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000
Twitter:  PeterKleemannVIE