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Flughafen Wien AG on the final report of the Austrian Federal Accounting Office
Flughafen Wien AG today received the final report of the Austrian Federal Accounting Office on the terminal extension VIE-Skylink and, after an initial review, states that “We take this criticism very seriously and proceeded to implement many of the recommendations before and during the audit period. The project was completely reorganised with new management and a new organisational structure. We will continue to analyse the suggestions made by the Austrian Federal Accounting Office in detail and will implement the recommended changes where improvements appear realistic. Our present objective is to ensure the start of operations in the Skylink as planned during the first half of 2012 and to hold the costs at or below the maximum of EUR 830 million. We are optimistic that this time schedule and budget, which safeguard the economic feasibility of the project, can be met“, explained Christoph Herbst, Chairman of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG.
Flughafen Wien AG clearly rejects the allegation that individual projects were not included in the calculation to reduce the costs. The interface projects mentioned in the final report cannot be attributed solely to the Skylink because they are related to the entire airport or will be financed to a significant extent by third parties. The Supervisory Board was informed of the development of the project.
Preparations for the start of operations in the terminal extension VIE-Skylink have already started parallel to the continuation of construction.
For additional information contact: Flughafen Wien AG Press Office
Peter Kleemann (+43-1-) 7007-23000
Clemens Schleinzer (+43-1-) 7007-22399
Birgit Fehsler (+43-1-) 7007-22254